

Alright....we're kicking off a brand new thing here at worshipnotes called the "Setlist Simulator."

As you guys know, I love resourcing - sharing ideas and songs and tips and lessons with each other to make us better at this very odd job of ours called 'worship leading.'

So here's where the Setlist Simulator is going to come in. For this new feature, I'm going to throw a setlist challenge out there. Your job is to take the info I come up with and then "build" a figurative list of songs, scriptures, prayers, videos, etc. to meet that challenge in the best way you see fit!

And the more specific, the better! Tell us what key you'd do a song in or how you'd transition from media to a hymn or how you'd teach something new to the congregation. It will be great creative exercise for you and a fantastic way for us to learn from each other. we go. Here's your first Setlist Simulator. Have fun!

Setup: "Back To School" weekend - Pastor is kicking off a new series focused on making a fresh commitment to ministry. Pastor will be using two-three New Testament text to challenge people to do more than just attend church - they need to serve! They need to live out of their gratitude for God's grace and provision.
Need: Twenty-five minutes of worship, relatively free flowing. (No announcements, special speakers, etc.) Pastor pretty intentional about having at least one song tied strongly to the sermon theme.
Special Additions: New volunteer director of greeter ministry wants to run a two minute informational video on how to sign up for Greeter Duty. Video is a fast-paced, lighthearted look at greeting ministries. Video was purchased from an online church video provider and has been downloaded onto projection computer for quick projection within the service.

What would you do?


Artie said...

I hate to say this but what goes on in a service at my church vs what goes on in many others is very different. I operate from a different framework..I have different congregational needs and service elements.

For me to sit down and do this would take time and effort I'm just not willing to expend. I think it's kind of a cool idea but it's also a lot like work. Is work bad? No..

"A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God," Ecclesiastes 2:24

But for me this exercise would take time, effort, brain energy, prayer, fear, axiety..lots of things would be going on and it would be for nothing but a post on a blog. These things I reserve for my congregation and the Lord. Oh I could play around with it but I really wouldn't be writing down what I would really do... I'd writing down what I hope you and others would think would be right because I don't live in your church context and the questions you ask don't apply to me. 25 minutes of free flowing worship.. I don't live in that world so that right there just kinda blows me out of the water. Our service structure doesn't even allow for 3 songs to flow together.. we have things in our service that just won't allow for that.. that's my world. It's different but it's mine and I love it.

I hope others provide feedback and I would find it intersting to see what they say but for some reason I just can't do this one.

Todd Wright said...

I can understand that, Artie...but I was going for more of a "top of your head" response...

Just to see how all of us think in times like these...

Artie said...

Hmm.. top of my head. My head was there a few years ago in a different world but my framework is now so structured it's hard for me to break out of it right now.. Heck.. going to camp and leading worship there with a more open format was a tad of a struggle for me the first night or two.. Was diggin it as time went on. Practicing things I had done in a gym on Denman ave a few year ago but now I rairly get an opportunity to do. Now I'm beginning to think I NEED to do this thing... hmmm. I may be back here soon.