
Confess Yourself


Artie said...

For some reason.. a bock after church on Sunday afternoon isn't in my life rhythm. I do plan on returning to UFO for a pizza/bock combo because I do find God in that. If they don't have bock it looks like they have other suitable substitutes.

Funny for 2 years we couldn't get together for lunch and we've managed to eat together (or almost eat together) 2 times in a week.

We still have to do our "eats" video together.. but I have an idea. I'll email it to you.. today's worship.. We opened with "God of Wonders" Tara was singing with us this week and she does such a nice job on all the little parts on that song.

We then came back after a brief welcome with "How Great thou Art" a la Baloche. We rocked it and the congregation really responded.

We had Jerry Spann from Love INC in to talk to the congregation today so we had already planned to drop a song. After announcements, greetings and children's time we came back with "Here I am to Worship" and that flowed nicely in to the pastoral prayer I was responsible for today. Focused on the gift of love and joy the Lord gives us and asked that God give us the power to reflect that joy to others and share it and bring others in to the community of faith...

We prayed over joys and concerns..ended with the Lords prayer and then flowed right in to an instrumental of "You're Everything" by Crowder.

That was our communion song..I love that song and our youth have fallen in love with it too. I hope to get our congregation singing it soon.

We performed a reprise of "Here I am to Worship" as our invitation and our postlude was "How Great Thou Art" again.

Very nice set. The musicians did a great job and Cyndi and Tara did great on the vocals. I have fallen in love with our "How Great"..thank you Chris for telling me to check it out on the FUMC site.


Todd Wright said... are the longest commenter I have ever met.

And that's why I love you.

Artie said...

Yeah..I know...I just get going and you know...

I'll stop now.

Johnny! said...

I wish y'all could visit Church of the Holy Trinity. We keep a keg of Shiner in the parish hall.

We did:
"Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies" Processional
"Lord of All Hopefullness, Lord of All Joy," Sequence, which is a hymn set to the melody of "Be Thou My Vision."
"Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence" Communion
"Deck Thyself, My Soul, With Gladness" Communion
"O Love That Will Not Let Me Go" Communion
"Here I Am to Worship" Communion
"All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" Recessional